Saturday, November 12, 2016

Is that Me?

One of my favorite games to play online is Town of Salem. This game is an online reincarnation of the classic "Mafia" party game. The only people who have established allies are the Mafia. The Mafia is a relatively small group (about 3-4 people) who get the privilege of knowing who their teammates are. Another team is the larger "Town", and the town has no clue about who is who. The Mafia win by obliterating the town, and the town win by eliminating the Mafia and other evil-doers. Sometimes, you have really smart team mates, and other times you have to deal with gigantic idiots! Often times, I have cursed at these players. Here is one such instance: "OMG GUYS WHAT THE F*CK! CAN'T YOU LEARN TO READ THE DOCTOR'S WILL! I DO NOT HAVE F*CK*NG IMMUNITY!! I WAS F*CK*NG HEALED BY THE GOD F*CK*NG DOCTOR THAT F*CK*NG NIGHT!!!"
Would I ever walk up to a person at start flying off the handle like that in real life? No! I admit, I have dropped quite a few four letter words, but I only use like 2 curse words an hour (and to me, that is fairly low).

Have you ever created an online personality or character?

Personalities in my opinion are pretty much your presence, under a pseudonym. These often times are just who you are, with few changes.

I have! In fact, the me writing this blog is one of my characters! I am not totally like this!

Last year, I created a blog for a very similar class, where I took on the personality of a gaming journalist with a tendency to be sarcastic and poke fun at things like "Call of Duty". In fact, part of my midterm took place as a new post to that blog.

For characters, these just need to be fictional versions of you, or just not you. 

As a furry, I currently have one character (Fursona- Furry Persona): Adrennec (A portmanteau of Adrenaline (which is a common theme among my characters) and Fennec (his species). To create his personality, I took the Archer character Slater, and combined them with some of my personality. From Slater, he got the dry wit, the shirt, and his lawfulness. From me, he got a tendency to drop a few curse words, a very excitable personality, his good looks, his hatred for drinking, and his love for playing Battlefield. I even have a fursuit (like a mascot costume, but tailored for one body) of him, which I don't use too often, but is a great way of portraying him. Why? No one can see through his head! In a way like alcohol, it makes me less serious, but in a good way!
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As a brony ( adult fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), I have a fan character, Buffalo Chicken. His personality is almost an exact clone of Sterling Archer from "Archer". The only things he got from me are an obsession with rollercoasters and a love of games with emphasis on speedy action, like "Titanfall" and Call of Duty. From Sterling Archer he gets things like having a sarcastic sense of humor, a tendency to often times anger his coworkers, a major profanity vice, optimized skills, and can at times be a bit of a womanizer.  

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When I am on Reddit, I will occasionally post things to my joke account, with the intention of getting down-voted into oblivion (basically, if Reddit doesn't like what you are saying, they will take away some of your Karma). The only guaranteed methods I know of are being straight up offensive or stupid, with a recent thread noting about Call of Duty servers being down in Pakistan. I retorted that it is probably for the best, as the last thing we need are Pakistani playing terrorist simulators and heading off to America to start a mass murder. Can I hide behind a screen? Someone can easily find my ip address and track me down, so I think it is safe to say that is a nope.

But wait. None of this is close to me!

Those are just 3 of my characters! None of those will ever be who I am! I can not hide within the furs of a stallion or a fennec or behind the screen of a tasteless redditor!

The closest online representations of me are my Facebook and my primary Reddit account. But when you see those 2, all you are seeing is just my honest thoughts!

In fact, some of the things I write on Reddit and Facebook are deceitful, such as how I was so happy for "Call of Duty: Black Ops" to be making a come back on the Xbox One, yet in real life, I harbor nothing but a stony heart and a bad attitude towards Activision. Ask me the next time you see me about my opinions of Call of Duty and I will start ranting about how they are never changed and Activision ripped off their former developers.

By no means do I mean to depress you, Ask me about how I am doing online: I will just be like "Oh everything's cool!" In real life, I might break into tears about how I have let certain grades suffer and how things are so different. Even in real life, you might see a happy person on the outside, but on the inside, you will find depressing thoughts. Today, consider taking a look at your fake identities online and comparing them to you. You will see yourself in your fake identities and you will not see yourself in your fake identities. When I took a look, I realized the computer has taken me and split me into two different people: the good me and the bad me.

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