Sunday, November 13, 2016

Social Media at it's Finest

Social Media is something we as Millennials interact with every single day. Now, to an older generation this may not be the case, and that is why first I will do some explaining. Social Media can take a number of forms from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat for example. Twitter and Facebook are very similar in the way they operate. Twitter you can post what you are doing in 140 characters or less, this is the main difference from Facebook. I think this is why twitter appeals to a more younger audience than Facebook does. Mostly everyone my age nowadays really does not use Facebook anymore, it has mostly been taken over by our parents. Twitter is home for a lot of millennials, we can get just about anything on Twitter and that is why it is so popular. Instagram is an all picture based social networking site, strickly photos. Snapchat is an interesting one, you can send your friends pictures of whatever for a certain amount of time, then they disappear. Snapchat is also king among millennials. Now that I have explained them a little bit, I will go into depth about my social media.

For me, I am a very big fan of social media. I believe social media is an outlet, and a way to communicate with everyone. For instance I like to follow athletes and see what they are up to along with my peers. I think it is really interesting to follow an athlete and see what they do, on a day in and day out basis. To go along with that, we just had an election in our great country, and i feel as if this was the first election that really used a social media platform. I know from following President Elect Donald Trump, he is very active on social media, and to me that was interesting and also very entertaining, while he was campaigning.
 Instagram is a lot of fun, it is very interactive like twitter, but it is all pictures. I am also on Instagram, and follow about 250 people, and have about 400 people following me. I like to follow people I like to follow people I graduated high school with to see what they are up to, and since I got to college I tend to follow new friends that I have made. I have heard that single men appreciate it, to see if they can slide into someone's DM’s if they do not see a significant other. My favorite form of Social Media by far is Snapchat. Snapchat is just simply the best, it is a great way of communication and everything disappears. So if you were to see me on a social networking site, expect to laugh from the retweets, or the snaps, or the post’s because they are all pretty great.

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